
Prof. Giuseppe A. Falci

Adiabatic passage in solid state: from ultrastrong coupling to noise sensing

Adiabatic passage is a powerful control technique atomic physics which is gaining interest also in the solid-state realm since it implements quantum operations weri robust against parametric fluctuations. We exploit the application of coherent techniques as coherent transport by adiabatic passage (CTAP) or stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) in quantum architectures where the robustness of the protocols may determine key advantages for selected tasks[1,2]. As an example we discuss quantum operation for modular computing in ultrastrongly coupled structures of artificial atoms [3] showing that CTAP-like manipulation ensure the suppression of unrecoverable errors due to the dynamical Casimir effect. A second example is noise classification in multilevel quantum structures where we propose a STIRAP-based supervised learning procedure to recognize energy-correlations of noise and their relation to the Markovianity of the environment [4]. This work is supported by the PNRR MUR projects ICSC – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing and PE0000023-NQSTI and the QuantERA grant SiUCs (Grant No. 731473), the University of Catania, Piano Incentivi Ricerca di Ateneo 2020-22, project Q-ICT and the COST Action CA 21144 superqumap. [1] Jonathon Brown et al 2021 New J. Phys. 23 093035 [2] L. Giannelli, et al. 2024 Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013008 [3] L. Giannelli et al. Il Nuovo Cimento C 45-6, 171 (2022); G. Falci et al, draft. [4] S. Mukherjee, et al., arXiv:2405.01987

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